Essential Mac OS X Freeware 에 아주 필요한 iTunes Controller,  압축, 주소록 찾기, 스크린 캡춰 유틸이 무료로 있네요. 


Essential Mac OS X Freeware

On a budget? Grab these freebies now

The software on this page are available free of charge. It is our way of giving back to the Mac community and getting our name out at the same time.

Upgrading to the Pro editions is completely optional (the free editions contain all the essential features and we intend to keep it that way), but if you choose to do so, you have our deepest appreciation. Another way to support your favorite freeware is to shop on our Amazon affiliate store.


Global hot keys for iTunes

 Download (420K)


Screen capture simplified

 Download (450K)


All your contacts one tap away

 Download (290K)


The missing zip tool

 Download (340K)